How can I recycle dead batteries responsibly?

Waste batteries that are carelessly thrown away with the general rubbish or mixed with other recycling can be dangerous and start fires – placing recycling workers at risk and damaging vital facilities.

You can stop used batteries from becoming dangerous by always recycling them for free at convenient locations across the country. These are most often located at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre or in larger shops, like supermarkets and DIY stores. Some local councils also offer kerbside battery or small waste electrical battery collection services, making it even easier.

If you enter your location into the box below, we’ll show you where your nearest battery recycling points are.

Pot of dead batteries

*The battery recycling point locator has kindly been made available to Take Charge by Material Focus

According to a 2021 survey, more than a quarter of adults (and nearly a third of under-35s) admit to regularly putting batteries in the bin instead of recycling them responsibily.*

*Source: Source Material Focus 2021

Five top tips to stop waste batteries from becoming dangerous.

Some electronic devices, like newer mobile phones and tablets, contain batteries which are not easily removed. If they’re in working order, these items should be re-used or donated to charity to keep them in use for as long as possible, but once they are at the end of their useful life, they should be recycled only with other waste electrical items at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre, waste electrical recycling banks or, if you have one, a kerbside waste electricals collection service.

Some online services will actually give you money for your old mobile phones, tablets and laptops even if they’re no longer working – so check online first before recycling them. 

How should I recycle my dead battery?

Unsure how to recycle your used batteries? Answer the questions below to find out what to do with them.

Battery Decision Tree Infographic showing how to recycle different batteries

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